Our Results

Our firm has a high rate of achieving positive results for clients, both inside and outside the courtroom. Some of these achievements include:

  • An order awarding an aunt the primary residence of a child and costs in the amount of $7,000 for the motion.

  • An order permitting interim relocation of children to another city within the province.

  • An order placing a child primarily with a non-family member at trial.

  • An interim order requiring the resumption of previously withheld parenting time and joint decision making.

  • An interim order to increase parenting time.

  • A successful defence at the Court of Appeal confirming that Ontario was the appropriate jurisdiction for the matter.

  • An order providing for the continuation of sole decision-making responsibility.

  • An order to compel attendance at oral questioning.

  • An order for interim shared parenting.

  • An order permitting relocation with the child to PEI.

  • An interim order granting parenting time in excess of that recommended in the parenting assessment report.

  • An order for costs in the amount of $25,000.

  • An order striking a party’s pleadings.

  • An order fixing our client’s proposed date of separation.

  • An order for DNA testing.

  • An order establishing and enforcing the payment of arrears of child support.

  • An order for the involvement of the Office of the Children’s Lawyer.

  • An order for randomized drug testing.

  • An order for sobriety check-ins prior to parenting time.

  • An order for a s. 30 parenting assessment.

  • An order for child support where the parent was not the biological parent of the child.

  • An order for time limited spousal support.

  • Adjudication involving the preservation of frozen embryos.

  • Consent resolutions of equalization, child and spousal support.

  • Consent waivers and releases of spousal support.

The firm also routinely negotiates separation agreements and domestic contracts (including pre-marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements) for clients.

 *Please note that while the firm works diligently for all of its clients, each case depends on its facts, and specific outcomes cannot be guaranteed.